Data Policy ERC - Attachment 2

List of Recipients

Version 11.01.2024

To the following natural or legal persons, public authorities, agencies or other bodies, personal data is disclosed, whether a third party or not (art. 4, 9 GDPR Regulation).




National Resuscitation Councils[1]

Quality Control of courses

Access to individual accounts of their residents.

Access to course data within their country.

No export tool.

SEC[2] Co-Chairs (education)

Quality control of courses

Access to individual accounts of participants for the courses for which they are Co-Chairing the committee.

Access to course data for their relevant course types.

No export tool.

Course Centres

Administration of courses

Access to personal data of their course participants.

Export of address details on a course level is facilitated, in order to ship paper manuals (to the extent supported).

Course Director

Certification of participants

Access to personal data related to the Course Centre’s permissions of access.

No export tool.


Access to Journal (Resuscitation)

List of names and email addresses of Associate Gold Members

European Trauma Course Organisation (ETCO)

Administration of ETCO courses

Access to individual accounts and course data of participants of ETCO courses


[1] With an Agreement (of cooperation) or a Memorandum of Understanding with the ERC.

[2] Science and Education Committee