Pokud ještě nemáte účet ERC, zaregistrujte se zde a uložte si fakturační a dodací adresy pro budoucí objednávky.
Zaregistrujte si účet CoSyPokud již máte účet ERC, můžete se přihlásit zde a znovu použít své předchozí fakturační a dodací adresy.
Přihlásit se pomocí účtu ERCThe client may cancel his purchase within a time limit of fourteen calendar days: for goods, to count from the day following the delivery to the consumer and when the goods are returned undamaged to the supplier; for services, to count from the day after the order has been placed (these time limits are extended to the next working day if these expire on a Saturday, Sunday or official holiday), and this without any fine or obligation for the client to state his reasons. The supplier shall refund the amount of the order at the request of the client, provided that the goods are returned undamaged and minus the shipment costs.
The client may not invoke this cancellation period of fourteen calendar days for agreements concerning customised goods. (e.g. manuals, which are printed on demand)
The client may not invoke this cancellation period of fourteen calendar days for agreements concerning the delivery of services whose execution has started, with the consent of the consumer, before the end of this period, such as the ERC ‘Associate Membership’ and ERC course seats (unless no course seats have been consumed yet).
The client or consumer may only appeal to this cancellation period of fourteen calendar days if he is a natural person who, exclusively for non-professional ends, obtains or uses goods or services brought on the market (in accordance to art. 2 § 3 of the Law of 6 April 2010 on trade practices and consumer protection).
Memberships expirationMemberships will be automatically cancelled after the expiration date, unless the membership is renewed by the member before the expiration date.